Saturday, July 5, 2014

Balancing your dealings

I am surprised how much biases we at times have about other people. We believe so much in ourselves that we do not even consider if other peoples' opinion matter or even count when a decision is to be made. Even in an organisations the leader/ supervisor thinks that his/her opinion and beliefs  are supreme and relevant and another idea from a subordinate is absurd. Often times people's minds are so full with their own opinions about everything that they simply refuse to listen to a second opinion.

Often I am reminded by colleagues that I am too lenient and flexible. I have reflected about this and I have also compared myself with some other people who are more dictatorial than me. Some of them are more successful than me while there are also others like me who are equally or more successful. To me the most important thing is TRUST and I would like to believe that all professionals are trustworthy.

I am convinced that I will not change my opinion about people that I work with or for that matter about those I interact with. I do not wish to prejudge anyone or even wish to judge in a rush. Essentially every person, including a criminal,  has a great deal of merit hidden within. And we can work on to bring out the best in every individual.  This, of course, does not mean that defaulters or criminals should go unpunished.

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